Nyanza Farm and Animals
We have been involved in many welfare and rescue cases over the years and many animals have come to us to be restored to health, have their faith in humanity restored and have their physical bodies rested and healed. Some of the cases have broken our hearts and some have brought us such joy! We would like you to hear some of their stories... Dog Rescue - Meet Sparky:
Sparky (an indigenous Africanus) was burnt in a cane fire
and nearly died. He
We currently have 13 resident cats, faithfully called in each night to make sure that nothing can happen to them - especially with the dangers at night in crossing the road. So don't be surprised when you hear the first signal of nighttime.... "Mishka! Mishie, Miiiiishie, Mishie- MishKA!!!!!" and so on until each cat (when it suits them! Never rush a cat!) strolls in. We have, for example, in the last two years taken in, tamed and re-homed 7 cats , and at the moment have a mother cat and two kittens being tamed and stabilized before homing them. We have rescued horses off the Swazi mountains, riddled with ticks and their bones clearly visible, through their skin. Palala was one of these… Palala(ku)-phalala means to rescue in siSwati
Palala was an old mare we found in one of the rural areas. Even though she could barely put one foot in front of the other she was being loaded with bags of cement and mielie meal. We had to buy her to get her out of there – when we went with the horsebox to fetch her we did not know if she would survive the trip. At this stage we believed we would have to euthenaze her, she was in such a bad way. Somehow she made it home, and tottered out the horsebox. One look around her and she was munching at the green grass, trying to make up for all the years of hunger. For a week whenever she lay down she was unable to rise and we would have to lift her, but then the survivor in her kicked in and she never looked back.
Amongst other animals we have rescued a goat and have even taken in a baby monkey... Community
We try and combine a learning experience with fun. The
emphasis for the visit is to show and educate those not fortunate enough to grow
up around animals
For those who have more experience around animals we take
the learning experience further Any school is welcome to contact us, and arrange to spend a morning on the farm with us and the animals.
Send mail to info@nyanza.co.sz with questions or comments about this web site.