

Why Nyanza?
Nyanza Ethos
Family Lodge
Our Horses
Horse Trails
Riding School
Bemer Therapy
What to do
General Info

Horses on Livery

Nyanza Stables and Livery offers your horse a competent, balanced lifestyle with many new friends to talk to and to graze alongside in our well maintained grassy paddocks. 


We have livery facilities for:

Permanent residents of Swaziland who either  do not have the option of taking care of their own horse, or would like it all taken care of for them so as to be able to spend more time enjoying their riding with an easy conscience, knowing their horse’s every need is being ably catered for. 

Those who keep their horse privately or at home, but need a ‘Horse Hotel’ where they can comfortably leave their horse when out of the country – imagine being able to relax and enjoy your holiday without any worries as to his well being!!

People who have horses in neighbouring countries that need time in the countryside: young horses who need time to grow, injured horses needing a bit of ‘time out’, or old horses who have worked hard and earned a peaceful retirement.

We find that horses from the big cities such as Johannesburg thrive in the climate and atmosphere of Nyanza Farm, losing all their stresses and tensions. It is ideal for young horses not yet ready to go into full work, or those whose owners would like them to start their working career with some valuable schooling and education here on the farm. The farmyard and country life gives a horse confidence and provides safe ‘bombproofing’ for those young skittish horses.  For those who would like, their horse can also be hacked out round the countryside. More progressively advanced levels of schooling is also available for those who want to give their horses a head start in their competitive careers before returning home.

We also have horses here on short term schooling packages and clinics or Bemer therapy.’



We feed our horses a recognized brand of balanced horse cubes . Each horse has its ration individually calculated depending on its age, condition and workload.

We feed napier fodder (Pennisetum purpureum) or cane tops to the horses every evening, and eragrostis hay. We are lucky in that we have a farmer next door who grows cane for seed so it is not burnt – this means they get a green supplement in winter, which they enjoy.

Optimism, Eagle, Fantasy

Our hay is good quality eragrostis imported from South Africa, from a farmer who reserves sufficient for us all year round.

They graze from approximately 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. The grazing is roughly 50% stargrass and 50% kikuyu (a couple of the paddocks have a very little amount of veld grass mixed in with it).


We dip for ticks and flies, every week or fortnight depending on the tick and fly challenge.  In winter we dip if we see any ticks or flies.


All horses are fully vaccinated and these are kept strictly up to date.


They are dewormed every 6-8 weeks. New horses are dewormed on arrival.


Private owners are free to bring in the farrier of their choice.


Minor ailments are treated by Nyanza staff, for serious problems veterinary help is sought.

Stables and Paddocks

All the horses are stabled at night.

Most of our stables are of rustic design, which blends in well with the countryside atmosphere, and we use shavings for bedding.  Our stables all have automatic water.

Our small paddocks are post and rail, and our large paddocks are two strands of 8 gauge wire, with one of them electrified with an animal strength electric fence. Our external fences are full fences.

The horses have water at all times in the paddocks – each paddock has a water trough with an automatic float valve.

We have 10 hectares of paddocks altogether. Most of them average about 4000-5000 square meters. Droppings are picked up every 5-7 days. The paddocks have compost spread on them once a year and are usually fertilised each time we finish grazing them.


We are in the Middleveld, so have a very pleasant climate – not too hot in summer or too cold in winter. In summer the countryside is lush and green, in winter it becomes dry and brown.

Daily Routine

The horses are all checked at 6 o’ clock in the morning, and then they start their day at 7.00 am when they get their cubes. They are then all groomed and go out to the paddocks at 9.00. We have two main groups that graze together, and then a couple of special cases eg: the very old that we keep separate from the others – they have their own paddocks with just a couple of friends.  For those who for some reason can’t go to the main paddocks, we have small paddocks close by where they are in the middle of the daily action so that everyone passes them and they get extra attention.  If they are in the small paddocks they are given a haynet, in the big paddocks we usually manage to have grazing all year round. If the grazing is not sufficient in winter then we supplement with hay during the day.

We prefer them to have fly protection if possible, so we ask all livery owners to supply either a flyfringe or a fly veil.

The horses that get cubes for lunch (depending on their condition/workload) come in at 12.45 and then go out again immediately afterwards.

At 3.30 they start coming in for the night. Those who need blankets are blanketed so owners are requested to provide their own. They get their evening cubes at 4.30 p.m, and then napier fodder or cane tops at 8.00 p.m.

Evening stables are after the 5 o’ clock feed, when each horse is checked, and then we check again just before we go to bed. We have two observation stables built on to a bedroom on the side of the house, so as to be able to closely monitor anyone who needs watching.

There is also a night-watchman who patrols and checks on the horses and cows.

Ann and Wandy also do late night patrols, and spot checks in the night.


The stables are run by Wandy Williams and Ann Davies.   Wandy has ridden and had horses here since 1968, and Nyanza has had a minimum of 28 horses here since 1983. Ann instructing three of the senior staff

Besides Wandy and Ann there are three senior stable staff (Instructors and Trail Guides), 8 daytime grooms, a lady who manages the tack-room, and a night-watchman.

Nyanza has a program in place for developing and training the local Swazi staff members in horsemanship and equitation skills.  This provides a great incentive for those less privileged who would like to further their riding skills and knowledge.

Schooling, Lunging and Lessons


Schooling arenaThere are excellent facilities for riders to work their horses in. We have two sand lunging arenas, and our school consists of a large sand school, big enough to hold two dressage arenas and a jumping area. Our dressage arenas are made so we can dismantle them and have one large jumping area, suitable for a whole course of jumps. The sand  school has facilities to water it when the going becomes dusty.

School mirrors

The school has a wall of mirrors so as to enable riders to study and improve on their way of going.  We also have a spacious grass jumping arena.

 For those who would like more we offer schooling and lunging of the horse, and lessons for the rider. We also offer a package for visiting horses which includes a combination of lessons and schooling of the horse with Ann. These packages last for anything from five days to long term, depending on your preference. As well as this we take in horses just for schooling, and offer lessons on our own horses.


We have wonderful countryside for our people to ride through. Our valley is beautiful and there is no limit as to how far we can go. (See the trails section for more photos!)’

Our Tackrooms

We have two tackrooms. One is for the Riding School and Horse Trails, and the other is for privately owned tack. The tackroom has been carefully constructed to be very secure. All tack is cleaned regularly, usually every time it is used.’

Livery Rates and Payment

Livery fees are due in advance, at the beginning of each month. Extras such as shoeing, de-worming, vet medicines, etc are paid at the end of the month. If a vet is called in then the owner is directly liable for the account.

We offer an early payment discount if you pay before the 10th of the month.

Livery fees do not include lunging/schooling/lessons, shoeing, de-worming, inoculations or veterinary. They do include dipping.

For our South African customers, we have a South African bank account so payments can be made directly into it.

Please contact us if you would like more details about the rates for lessons, schooling, clinics, accommodation, etc.

Horse Trails
The stables are open every day for horse trails...
Riding School
We have a resident team of instructors...
Meet our Horses
take you on a "virtual walk" around our stables...


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