Nyanza FarmWhy would you choose to stay at Nyanza
rather than some alternative?
We have a delightful variety of farm animals: turkeys, peacocks, donkeys, jersey cows and calves, chickens, roosters, guinea fowl, ducks, tortoises, rabbits not to mention the birdlife for those keen bird watchers amongst you. Have the cows stop at the coffee table on their way to the paddock. Watch Winta, Ann's Australian cattle dog round up the turkeys and remind them how lucky they are to live at Nyanza over Christmas.
The accommodation we offer is private, select and offers an affordable sense of exclusivity. The guest cottages are immaculately presented and very comfortable, we also have a Family and Backpackers lodge which is close to our litchi orchard (yum yum!) and a camping or caravanning option.
What else... well you could see the calves being born, watch milking, learn how to groom a horse, watch it being shod, feed the guinea fowl in the evening or sit in the shade of our trees and watch the hum, buzz and bustle of farm life continue around you....
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